25 December 1947 –  27 January 2024


Dato’ Dr. M. Singaraveloo, popularly known as Dato’ Veloo shall forever be remembered as one who had added lustre to the Faith and decorated the pages of Bahá’í history. Veloo as he preferred to be addressed, laboured for the Cause relentlessly and with such a sincerity throughout his life. He rose from humble beginnings and ascended to remarkable heights in life, as one who was very highly respected in all the circles he moved. History will portray him as a compassionate physician who has made the medical profession proud. He had tirelessly extended a helping hand to the downtrodden and the destitute through numerous humanitarian endeavours and had single-handedly promoted the Cause among many in the elite echelons of society. His was a path less travelled, registering unparalleled when viewed in light of living memory.

Born in Serkam Rubber Plantation Estate in the state of Malacca in 1947, Veloo and his family members soon moved to nearby Jasin town. He was introduced to the Bahá’í Faith by his eldest brother Mr. Palaniandy, a teacher by profession. He and his younger brother Kanesan accepted the Faith at a fireside held at the residence of the late Inbum and Lily Chinniah in Jasin in the last week of December 1964. Veloo loved the Bahá’í Faith immensely and studied it and over time emerged as a well-read and knowledgeable believer. Right from the beginning Veloo was clear-eyed on his chosen path. Laden with a soul overflowing with love for Baháʼu’lláh and vibrating with the newly found Faith, he exerted all his energy and kept a straight course throughout his life to serve the Cause with full sincerity and complete devotion.

Dr. Singaraveloo standing at the centre in a picture taken with his siblings and extended family in Jasin. Seated in the centre is M. Palaniandy. To the right of Veloo is Kanesan who accepted the Faith on the same day with Dr. Singaraveloo.

Veloo’s meteoric rise in the Bahá’í Faith started in January 1965 when he enrolled in Form Six at the Malacca High School. At first, he was commuting daily from Jasin but soon took up accommodation in the Bukit China Hostel in Malacca town. He joined other Bahá’í youth in organising activities in the state of Malacca and emerged as a strong supporter of the Local Spiritual Assembly of Malacca and an asset to the community. The Assembly tasked this dynamic youth with organising meetings for believers in the Sungei Rambai and Merlimau areas which were said to be difficult places in those days. By Veloo’s own account, the greatest turning point occurred when he attained the presence of Hand of the Cause of God Ṭarázu’lláh Samandarí, yet one more diffuser of divine fragrances, who visited Malacca in July 1966.

While a student in Malacca town with limited money at his disposal, he was always desirous of attending some important gatherings held in Kuala Lumpur. There were moments when he had hitch-hiked on lorries to attend such Bahá’í gatherings held in Kuala Lumpur. Upon completion of his Higher School School Examinations at the end of 1966, he started his job as a temporary teacher in Jasin. He stayed in the home of a family friend bearing the same name as his elder brother Palaniandy. He took a great liking for the virtues of Veloo that he took Veloo as his own son.

In May 1967, he enrolled at University Malaya in Kuala Lumpur to pursue a medical degree. He stayed at the University Malaya’s Students Clinical Hostel in Section 15 in Petaling Jaya and became a member of the Petaling Jaya Bahá’í Community. He and Police Officer Mr. Leong Ho Chiew were put in charge of the lending library in that community. That was his first Bahá’í task there. Mr. N. S. S. Silan who was Secretary of the Local Spiritual Assembly of Petaling Jaya observed that Veloo was a very well-organised youth who never missed a single activity held in the Bahá’í Centre, even amid his university examinations. The family was very happy and proud that Veloo from humble beginnings  had gained admission into a university to pursue a degree in medicine, which was a great achievement in those days when very few entered university. During holidays, Veloo will go to the house of Palinammal, his elder sister and share with her all the medical things he learned and how he was scared to touch dead bodies for examination.

While in Petaling Jaya, Veloo participated in all the gatherings held in Kuala Lumpur and traveling places on his Honda 50 model motorcycle, which Mr. Marappan, his elder sister Palaniammal’s husband bought for him. One aspect of Veloo’s involvement that would go down in history was his activities while still an undergraduate at University Malaya. It was also at this time that he served on the National Bahá’í Youth Committee. In 1968, he joined R. Ganasa Murthi in becoming the founding members of the University Malaya Bahá’í Society. The inauguration of the Bahá’í Society held on the evening of Friday, 11 October 1968 at the Arts Concourse of the University was a grand occasion with more than three hundred students turning up. Following the welcome address by Mr. R. Kanniappan who spoke on behalf of the President of the Society, Dr. John Fozdar, a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of Malaysia residing in Kuching, Sarawak gave an informative talk on the Faith and answered questions from the floor. Mr. Anthony Fernandez, Chairman of the National Spiritual Assembly read out a message from the national institution. Registrar of the University Mr. Lim Chung Tat remarked that he was pleased to learn of the high ideals of the Faith, which are much needed for the student population. Bahá’í literature was given to Mr. Beda Lim, the Librarian who also spoke highly of the Faith. On this occasion, the Society successfully distributed 4,000 copies of a souvenir brochure called the “World Commonwealth of Bahá’u’lláh” containing selections of Holy Writings. The Society had organised several high-level activities to bring the Faith to the attention of students, lecturers, staff, and the print media, as well as firesides.

University Malaya Bahá’í Society, 1969. Standing  at the extreme left is R. Ganasa Murthi.  V. Parvathy stands fourth from left and the President of the Society, Veloo stands fifth from left.  Miss Kung Joo Jong stands sixth from left, Kanthakumar seventh from left, Ramu Naidu ninth from left and Lum Weng Chew second from right.

When the National Bahá’í Youth Council, on which Veloo was a member met in September 1969 at the National Bahá’í Centre in Kuala Lumpur, a new body called the Inter-College Bahá’í Societies Council was elected with Veloo as its Chairman to focus specifically on the activities of the Bahá’í Societies in institutions of higher learning, which at that time were existing in the Technical College of Kuala Lumpur, University Malaya, and the Malayan Teachers College in Penang. The Inter-College Bahá’í Societies Council was to strengthen the existing societies through regular communication and guidance, the formation of new societies in other institutions of higher learning, and to follow up with graduates who have settled in other parts of the country upon their graduation. This Council organized an Inter-Religious Forums attended by the Varsity Christian Fellowship, the Buddhist Society, and the Islamic Society.


Veloo explaining the Faith to visitors at a Bahá’í book exhibition event in University Malaya.

Veloo, Chairman of the Inter-College Bahá’í Societies Council in deep thoughts.

With believers graduating and taking up jobs elsewhere against uncertainty in the number of new believers entering the institutions of higher learning, the stability of the Bahá’í Societies was uncertain too. It was not an easy task to coordinate among the various Bahá’í Societies placed in different parts of the country. Against this background, the Council met monthly and kept in touch with other similar societies by reminding them to step up membership drives and pleading for regular reports. Regrettably, the University Malaya Bahá’í Society could not register the impacts as before in the later part of the 1970s owing to dwindling student intake and the internal circumstances of the campus.

President of the University Malaya Bahá’í Society, Veloo at left, and Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Technical College Bahá’í Society, Choo Yeok Boon at right, discussing.

While a resident in Petaling Jaya he kept attending training courses held at the National Teaching Institute in Malacca, one being the Pioneer Study Course that was held from 10 August 1969. During Riḍván of 1969, Veloo was elected to the Local Spiritual Assembly of Petaling Jaya. That was the first assembly on which he had served and remained until 1971. He had undertaken a short-term travel teaching trip to Sarawak during the vacation in early 1970. During weekends he used to ride on his motorcycle to outside communities to teaching or consolidation.  In 1971, he was appointed to the Local Bahá’í Youth Committee and played the role of Youth Coordinator to encourage the youth to rise in service. He was often a speaker at some of the local events.

Local Spiritual Assembly of Petaling Jaya, 1971. Seated L-R: James Liew Ben Poh , Gina Leong, Leong Ho Chiew  and Thanabalan. Standing L-R: V. Theenathayalu, Ying Hong Shuen, M. Singaraveloo, Lee Tiew Kiang  and N. S. S. Silan.

When Veloo and another Nah Seang Ho believer graduated as doctors in 1972, the Local Spiritual Assembly of Petaling Jaya in its newsletter THE SATELLITE congratulated them and mentioned, “Now we really have some qualified people with us to consult…” Veloo was one of the very few medical doctors the Bahá’í community had at the time of his graduation. The ‘Bahá’í Centre Fund’ in Petaling Jaya was his brainchild.

Veloo acquired his MBBS from University Malaya in 1972 and obtained his Master of Medicine (MMed) from the National University of Singapore in 1976. In the year 1977 when he went to Glasgow in the United Kingdom to pursue his MRCP from the Royal College of Physicians. But to go to the United Kingdom he and his wife could not afford air tickets. He had to borrow money to pay for his tickets and for  living expenses there. While in Glasgow, Veloo worked as a Geriatric for 6 months and then had another interview to get into the Glasgow Royal Infirmary and worked as a Medical Officer and he managed to pay back the borrowings.


Upon acquiring his MBBS in University Malaya in 1972 he first served as a houseman at the Johor Bahru Government Hospital and went to work in the town of Muar in 1973 and returned to Johor Bahru for good in 1988. During his first stint in Johor Bahru in 1972, he gave the strongest support for the local activities and was elected to the first Local Spiritual Assembly in Riḍván 1972. In 1972, a Bahá’í Centre was made available at 67, Jalan Vijaya, Century Garden. The Local Assembly also had its own newsletter called “Causeway.” This community was given the responsibility of organizing the first Winter School in the Vocational School in Johor Bahru from 21 to 25 December 1972, and a Public Talk at the Diamond Jubilee Hall in Johor Bahru to coincide with the Winter School. That was the first time this community was given the task of organising a national event. From this period onward Johor Bahru emerged as one of the strongest communities in the country.

Local Spiritual Assembly  of Johor Bahru for 1972. Standing L-R: Alan Tan, Dr. Singaraveloo, Perumal, Jack Tan and N. Sivalingam. Seated are L-R: Foong Meng, Ghandhi and Catherine Wan.

Veloo was one of the few twenty friends selected to attend the first Nine Day Institute in Malaysia conducted by Mr. Caldwell at Port Dickson from 8 to 16 December 1972. The participants were members of the national institutions of Malaysia and Singapore and Auxiliary Board members. Impelled and fortified by reflections learnt in that highly charged gathering, Veloo volunteered to be a coordinator of a weekend spiritualization course held at the United Farm in Sungei Tiram, Johor Bahru from 25 to 27 January 1973. Ten years later he coordinated another spiritualization institute in Kulai town on 28 and 29 April 1983 in English.

Throughout  his stay in Johor Bahru, Veloo had from time to time participated  in activities organised in the Bahá’í activities in Singapore.

Dedication of the new National Bahá’í Centre of Singapore in 1973, graced by Hand of the Cause Collis Featherstone, standing at the extreme right. To the right of Mr. Featherstone are Chairperson of the National Spiritual Assembly of Singapore Mrs. Rose Ong, Dr. Singaraveloo and Benedict Chee Tat Hong. (Photo courtey:  Gregory C. Dahl)


Meanwhile, Veloo was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Malaysia during a by-election held on 16 February 1973 to fill the vacancy created by Mrs. Elizabeth Gibson, Assistant Secretary of the national institution who left Malaysia for Vietnam to join her husband. Veloo, a resident of Johor Bahru was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly in that same by-election. That night itself he was informed of the election results and requested to start immediately to attend a meeting of the National Spiritual Assembly to be held the following day in the presence of Hand of the Cause of God, Dr. Raḥmatu’lláh Muhájir. He travelled by train the whole night and participated in his first meeting of the national institution. And that first meeting itself was with Dr. Muhájir who was consulting the national institution on Malaysians assisting Laos, Bangladesh, Thailand, India, and Ceylon. Being exposed to such a brainstorming session for the first time, Veloo had murmured these words to his fellow members during a break session, “This is too much, just too much!” Little did he realise that he would be in that institution for decades to come. Membership in the national institution opened a new chapter in Veloo’s Bahá’í service. One of the earliest activities in which he was involved as a member of the national institution was coordinating a workshop on the subject of the Universal House of Justice, National Spiritual Assembly, and Local Spiritual Assembly at the Summer School held in Ipoh town in July 1973.

National Spiritual Assembly of Malaysia for 1973. Standing-L-R: A. P. Arumugam, K. Rajah, S. Nagaratnam, Dr. M. M. Sreenivasan, Isaac D’Cruz, Dr. M. Singaraveloo. Seated-L-R: Yin Hong Shuen, R. Ganasa Murthi and Mrs. Shantha-Sundram.

Some elders in the Faith. L-R: Dr. John Fozdar, Inbum Chinniah, Yankee Leong, Nagaratnam, Isaac D’Cruz, Choo Yeok Boon and Dr.Veloo

That was just the beginning of the many more responsibilities he had undertaken while a member of the national institution. He remained on this august body until the year 1976 when he served as Assistant Secretary of the institution. In 1977, he went abroad to further his studies in medicine and returned in 1980. In 1981 he was again elected to the institution. He shouldered numerous heavy responsibilities throughout his tenure on this august body while juggling a young family and an increasingly demanding career. In 1974, the Universal House of Justice appointed him to the Asian Continental Pioneering Committee, and he also served as an Assistant Registrar of Marriages. Serving as Chairman of the National Consolidation Committee, in the 1980s while still on the national institution Veloo travelled around the country meeting communities to strengthen them in the Faith.

Stop over in Kuantan town community for deepening session in 1984 during a roadshow across the country . Dr. Veloo is in the middle with Krisnamurthy, at his left.

He was also tasked with collecting and archiving Bahá’í audio visual materials produced in  the country. Prominently he was at the forefront of negotiations with those in authority on many areas of Bahá’í interest. He would go on to serve on the National Assembly for 43 years, except for the brief period when he was overseas. He served as its able Chairman from 1984. Having taken up manifold and heavy responsibilities for the Faith, which only increased as years went by, coupled with additional pressure building up in his profession career, he asked to be relieved from the national institution, which the Supreme Body accepted. Veloo then resigned effective the National Convention of 2016. The National Spiritual Assembly was saddened to see a resourceful Chairman with a high sense of justice and a strong defender of the Covenant leave this august body. He was the most loving person, and yet when he spotted any sign of malice or mischief, he opposed it with every fibre of his being. At the time when Veloo left the national institution, he had the pulse of the community at his fingertips.

Dr. Veloo at right, at the Unit Convention of Sarawak in 1991.

Narrating his manifold services on many fronts while he was a member of the institution will require a book by itself. Although he left the august institution, he was always there whenever needed to carry out some high-profile tasks and activities at the national level and remained a strong supporter of the institutions. It needs to be mentioned that Veloo had left behind remarkable services wherever he resided and in whatever institution served.

International Convention of 1998. Dr. Veloo is at the extreme right in simple Batik shirt, along with delegates of Malaysia and other countries.


Veloo’s second phase of service in his career was in Muar started in 1973 when he was posted as a Medical Officer in the Government District Hospital of Muar for a year. There he joined Shanmugam, Karuppiah, and Radhakrishnan in strengthening the community. Injecting a new spirit into the Muar community he became a driving force there. He went to serve in Johor Bahru in 1974 and returned to Muar to start his career this time as Chief Medical Officer on 1 July 1980. It was also on this same day that Kanagaratnam Chinnasamy moved to Muar from Shah Alam town and started his career at S. T. Microelectronics, a multinational company based in Muar. On the very following day itself, these two started meeting the local believers there, to give an added strength. With the arrival of Veloo, the Faith gained a stronger footing there. A grand Baháʼí Naw-Rúz party was held at his residence in 1981, with more than 120 believers and guests attending. Guests included medical doctors, lawyers, teachers, and prominent members of the community. That was the beginning of annual Naw-Rúz dinners that he hosted in Muar and later continued in Johor Bahru.

Dr. Veloo at left conversing with a visitor from Indonesia on 12 December 1983 at the home of Karuppiah in Muar.

In Riḍván 1981 he was elected to the Local Spiritual Assembly of Muar and held the position of Chairman during his stay in that community. More deepening classes and teaching trips were organised. His government bungalow and the home of Mr. Karuppiah were used as the meeting places. With the push coming from Veloo, the community acquired its own Bahá’í Centre. Soon some 50 believers turned up for the Nineteen Day Feasts. Veloo undertook regular trips to the rubber plantation settlements or estates and smallholdings in the interiors to meet up with isolated believers to deepen them on the tenets of the Faith. Before the coming of Veloo to Muar it was a community made up predominantly of Tamil-speaking friends. His wife Ng Kan Hoe, being of Chinese descent played an active role in teaching the Chinese people and it did not take long before many Chinese-speaking families came into the Faith. That changed the demographic representation of the Faith. It was since the coming of Veloo to Muar that the Faith was taken to those in the higher echelon, given his prestigious status as a Chief Medical Officer in Muar Government Hospital. He too was invited to interfaith activities in Muar.

Conducting wedding of Karuppiah’s daughter Saroja Devi and Kumaran in Muar on 11 April,1986.

During his service in Muar, he successfully set up the very first Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the hospital. As a Physician in Muar, he served the then Menteri Besar (Chief Minister) of the state of Johor and even accompanied him to the United Kingdom for medical treatment, flying in a Concorde Supersonic Airliner.   In 1988 he moved to Johor Bahru for good.


During his second stint in Johor Bahru (1974 to 1977), the community became one of the strongest in the country. He lived a simple life, renting a room in a house that belonged to an Indian family. He married Ng Kan Hoe on 8 August 1975 at the Johor Bahru Diamond Jubilee Hall, and she emerged as Veloo’s strongest supporter in all his activities. The Johor Bahru community was given the responsibility of organising the second Winter School in December 1974.

At Winter School in Johor Bahru, December 1974. Standing are members of the National Spiritual Assembly, L-R: Maniam, Ganasa Murthi, Yin Hong Shuen, Isaac D’Cruz,  S. Nagaratnam, Captain Choo Yeok Boon, Dr. Singaraveloo, Dr. John Fozdar, and Ragai Lang. Seated L-R: Auxiliary Board member Shantha Sundram, Counselor  Dr. Chellie John Sundram, Counselor Yankee Leong, and Auxiliary Board member Inbum Chinniah.

His third stay in Johor Bahru that started in 1988 lasted till his passing. He served in the Sultanah Aminah Hospital as Head of Medicine.  This was the period filled with his tense activities on many fronts of service, including membership in the Local Spiritual Assembly, the National Spiritual Assembly, and several of its national committees.

It was while serving in the Sultanah Aminah Hospital that Veloo became a personal physician to the late Sultan of Johor, His Majesty Sultan Iskandar Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail who had reigned as the eighth Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the constitutional monarch of Malaysia, from 1984 to 1989.

Veloo also served as a family physician to the Sultan of Johor, His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar who is today the 17th King of Malaysia.

He joined KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital in 2002 and served there as a Specialist Consultant for 21 years until ill health forced him to relinquish his career.

Veloo made himself known to the wider world as a believer in the Bahá’í Faith. On account of his loyalty to the country and the government, His Royal Highness the King of Malaysia awarded Veloo with national medal of Kesatria Mangku Negara (KMN) on 5 June 1993, and on his great contribution to  the field of medicine and society, His Royal Highness the Sultan of Johor whose family he was a personal physician, conferred upon him the state award  of Darjah Mahkota Johor carrying the title of Dato’ on 7 April 1994. The title Dato’ is usually conferred by the ruling monarch to individuals who have contributed significantly to their community or profession. A few weeks later was the National Bahá’í Convention the Chairman of the convention announced that Veloo has been awarded the title of Dato’. The delegates spontaneously stood up and applauded. Veloo immediately took hold of the microphone and said, “Friends, never mind what the chairman of the convention just said. Whatever titles I may have, I am still the same Veloo and would like to be called Veloo.” That was the kind of down-to-earth man he was!

The Sultan of Johor awards the title of Dato’ to Dr. Singaraveloo  in April 1994.

His medical profession created inroads into people from all walks of life, ranging from the common man to those eminently placed in society, including the royal family of the state of Johor, as well as those in the highest authority in the country. He had moved closely with all the Chief Ministers in Johor during his tenure as a physician. One of them became Prime Minister. He had also moved closely with two other Prime Ministers in the course of his career and Bahá’í activities, and they all had known him as a Bahá’í.

The Local Spiritual Assembly of Johor Bahru used to organise Naw-Rúz dinner on a grand scale in prestigious hotels, and Veloo used to invite those eminently placed in society. Many in the highest echelons had attended, including the Chief Minister and his entourage.

While his primary practice was at KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital, he was involved in certain haemodialysis centres for which he had a great passion. The places where he had offered his services while still at the KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital were the Rotary Club of Kota Tinggi Haemodialysis Centre, the Rotary Club of Johor Bahru Haemodialysis Centre, and the Rotary Haemodialysis Centre in Masai town.


He believed that every person, regardless of their socioeconomic background, deserved access to quality medical care. Veloo may have taken up the medical profession for his personal satisfaction but ended up in providing service for society in the spirit of “Work is worship; and service is prayer.” Throughout his illustrious career, Veloo touched the lives of countless patients, earning a reputation for his unwavering commitment to their well-being. There is no family known to him that he has visited without giving free medical consultation for all members and giving health tips. For those living close to the hospitals he was serving – Muar and Johor Bahru, he would ask them to visit him. It so happened that at the registration counters of the hospitals, these patients would ask to see Veloo.

It is no exaggeration to say that he made the medical profession proud and was a great comfort and consolation to his patients. Over a period of time, he developed a strong network among government and private hospitals in the country. Whenever he was informed that someone he knew was admitted into a hospital in some corner of the country, he would call his contacts in that hospital and ask for close attention for that patient. Veloo always followed up with the doctors until the patients were discharged. There have been several instances when Veloo had driven outstation, in the middle of the nights, to visit patients and share his medical opinion with the doctors on duty.

Veloo regarded his patients above himself and often had little rest. Most of the days he worked even during lunch hours. Even when he was not well and resting at home, he would still take calls and visit patients in hospitals. Whenever he went for his ward rounds, he would sit down with the patient and give confidence and cheerfulness. He was truly a physician of a rare kind. He was on several sub-committees of the Malaysian Medical Association of which he was a life member. He was also chairman of the Johor branch at one time. He was involved in training medical students and the young doctors. Single-handedly and in association with other medical practitioners Veloo has written many research papers on health matters and presented them at various platforms, both local and international.

Dr. Singaraveloo seated at the extreme right among committee members of the Malaysian Medical Association Johor Branch for 2018-2019


Veloo, as an active Rotarian had been deeply immersed in giving a helping hand to those needy. His full commitment to social work started during the early days of his medical career in Muar town. He was President of the Rotary Club and involved in numerous charity activities. There he started a Society for Diabetic Patients and ran a series of talks on Diabetes Management, an activity he continued for many years to come. He also chaired several symposiums. One of the celebrated events was his chairing a symposium on Diabetic Management on 19 October 2012. This was an event jointly organized by the Johor Bahru branch of the Rotary Club and the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society. Many were events of such kind in which Veloo participated. He also assisted the Rotary Club of Batu Pahat town in setting up the Hemodialysis Centre.


Health talk on diabetes delivered in the Malay language by Dato’ Dr. M Singaraveloo, Physician KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital.

One of the most talked about projects is the Kidney Dialysis Centre that he, along with Dr. Kanwal Nain Singh, a long-time colleague of Veloo from the Muar days and a few other Rotarians set up in WISMA Abad in Johor Bahru in about 1995 by raising RM 1 million. It was through the encouragement and full support of the Sultan of Johor, His Majesty Sultan Iskandar Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail that this centre was set up. The Sultan himself donated 3 costly dialysis machines. There was a health assistant and two nurses working on three shifts, providing for 70 patients. That was the first ever such a center set up by any Rotary Club in Malaysia. Today almost every Rotary Club has set up such dialysis centre following the footsteps and initiative piloted by Veloo and his fellow medical practitioners.

Dr. Singaraveloo and his wife Ng Kan Hoe in the middle of the picture, at a Rotary Function in Johor Bahru.

Veloo, Dr. Kanwal Singh and a few Rotarians saw that many were terminally ill and bed-ridden at their homes without any care. They then set up a Palliative Care Centre for them. Veloo went one step ahead and secured two beds at the Sultanah Aminah Hospital in Johor Bahru, for those patients in critical condition. Today it has evolved into a centre managed by two full-time medical doctors and three nurses who all visited them at their homes. This was fully funded by the Rotary Club.

On 1 April 2018, the Rotary Club Johor Bahru President, Datuk Teo Shiok Fu and Veloo, as Past President attended the event to launch the Tunku Laksamana Johor Cancer Centre. The Ceremony at Persada Johor International Convention Centre in Johor Bahru was graced by His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, Sultan of Johor. This was a project for which Veloo gave his fullest support.

Among his many other involvements are being the state and national examiner for MRCP examination in Malaysia, being an Associate Professor at the Monash Medical Clinical School at Johor Bahru as well as taking on the role as the State Medical Officer of St. John Ambulance of Johor state. He was also involved in setting up an Information Technology College in Johor Bahru in late 1990’s, which is running till today to support in community education.

Dr. Singaraveloo a St. John Ambulance activity.


The most outstanding virtues of Veloo was his sincere and genuine care for the downtrodden and the unfortunate in society. His magnanimous heart was always for the poor and always regarded the needy above himself.  This concern for the poor stemmed from his own poverty faced during his childhood days, which he openly shared with close friends. There was a time when the family could not send Veloo to school for lack of financial means. One day his father Muthusamy locked Veloo in a room to prevent him from going to school as he had no money to pay his school fees. Veloo’s elder brother Palaniandy broke open the door and sent Veloo to school. Veloo’s elder sister Palaniammal was married to  Mr. Marappan who, along with Veloo’s brother Palaniandy paid his school fees.

On the way to school during Veloo’s  primary and secondary schools, he used to sell cakes made by his mother and elder sister. On one occasion he sold everything but somehow  lost the money. He was so scared of his mother whom she knew would be furios. But his sister protected him from the mother.  When Veloo started to work, he was a rock for his wider family and took their burdens upon his shoulders. In all the places he worked, Veloo showed special interest in the welfare of his subordinates.

While at the KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital, he would waive his consultation fees for poor patients, only requiring them to pay the hospital charges. There were many wealthy patients who were impressed with his services and wanted to reward him privately, which he politely refused. When they insisted, he would ask them to donate to charity. There were many mornings he was greeted by hampers placed at his doors, which he would send over to the charity homes. He never used his high-level contacts for his well-being but got them to assist those in need instead.


It is in historical memory that Veloo single-handedly introduced the Bahá’í Faith to the widest circle of people eminently placed in society by mentioning the name of Bahá’u’lláh at every given opportunity and endeavouring to live the life of a true Bahá’í. He always introduced himself openly as a believer in the Bahá’í Faith. He endeavoured to live the Bahá’í in his private and public life.  His marriage to Ng Kan Hoe was another of his belief in inter-racial marriage to unite people of different races. She was his constant support throughout his married life.

While with high-ranking politicians he made himself known as one who would not involve himself in partisan politics or political discussions. Yet he demonstrated all his life his strongest loyalty to the government of the country, a cardinal teaching of the Bahá’í Faith.


He felt comfortable and happy under all circumstances and in all circles- with the labourers in the estates, the aboriginal people in the deep jungles, and those elite in the town. There is an incident stamped in the memory of some simple believers that needs to be brought to remembrance. In 1974, he went unannounced to Jerampadang Estate in the state of Negeri Sembilan to offer support for a teaching camp that was organised by the simple believers there. And he passed a night among them, sleeping on a straw mat that was spread out on cement floor. His folded arm was his pillow for the night. The estate folks could not believe what they saw, a doctor of that stature at one with them. Simplicity was inborn in Veloo.

Dr. Singaraveloo and his wife at the extreme right, joining  Pulai Perdana in Kangar Pulai neighbourhood  in January 2023 for a Feast gathering.

Even in later years, he was the same Veloo. Despite the high esteem he was held in, everything around him was simple and modest – his attire, lifestyle, and the house he lived in, to name a few. Some friends even urged him to move into a larger, spacious bungalow in a prime location in Johor Bahru. His reply was, “I am happy with what I have for the kind of simple life I have always wanted”.

His love and care for others were very sincere and genuine. He was a balm to the wounded and a great consolation to the poor. It is still a wonder how he was able to have a radiant face and heavenly smile despite the immense workload and strains he had to face. That radiance attracted many to him.

Visit to the aboriginal community in Kampong Chang in Perak in 2013. Dr. Singaraveloo stands at the extreme right, with Penghulu Shahin anak Deraoh, brother of Counsellor Marjini.

Dr. Singaraveloo  signing in the visitors’ book at the official opening of the new National Haziratu’l-Quds on 2023. With him are believers who had served along with him on the national institution. To Veloo’s right is  Lee Tiew Kiang (T. K. Lee). At the back are Dr. Gopinath at left and Miss Ong Eng Eng at right.


His eventful life came to an abrupt end when he was taken ill and was kept in the KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital for some seven months. As soon as news of his ailment reached the ears of the Malaysian public, they all prayed for his quick recovery. In a way, his passing was quite expected. Sorely, he passed away on 27 January 2024. While we loved him, his Creator seems to have loved him more than us and was called to His Kingdom on High. When news came of his passing, the Malaysian public could not come to terms with that. As a mark of respect for his contributions to the KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital, the hospital posted this message on its website:

KPJ Johor team would like to take this opportunity to express our immense gratitude and appreciation to our beloved Dato’ Dr. M Singaraveloo, Consultant in Internal Medicine at the close of his 21 years of service. His unwavering support for the hospital and tireless dedication for his patients will always serve as a guiding light for all of us at KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital.

Messages started to pour in, and thousands from across Malaysia rushed forth to pay their last respects. The entire length of the entrance to his house could not contain the heap of wreaths that numerous individuals and organizations had sent. No other Bahá’í funeral had seen such a heap of flowers, a sign of the hearts he had won in his lifetime.


In his death too Veloo gave the biggest proclamation for the Faith. On his passing KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital posted this message on its website, “We give thanks for his many years of compassionate service to all who sought his care.”

On 28 January 2024, Her Majesty Raja Zarith Sofiah Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah, the Queen of Johor State (now the Queen of Malaysia) arrived at the home of Veloo at Taman Iskandar to pay her last respects to the one who was the former family physician of the Royal families of the state of Johor. The Queen’s visit was published widely in BERNAMA, the national news agency of Malaysia. The Queen’s visit with her photograph were also published in the popular Berita Harian online edition.

Her Majesty Raja Zarith Sofiah Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah, the Queen of Johor State (now the Queen of Malaysia) offering condolences to Ng Kan Hoe,  the widowed wife of Veloo. (PHOTO COURTESY: BERITA HARIAN)

As never before, a large number of believers and numerous organizations took to Facebook to post their condolences, with very moving words.

Following a befitting funeral service held at his home, Veloo was laid to rest at the Sungei Choh Bahá’í Cemetery, witnessed by hundreds of mourners. A lorry that was hired  to transport the wreaths from Veloo’s residence to the burial site could not contain all. A heap of flower hill was created at the burial site where the wreaths were placed. As a short eulogy was read at the burial site, all those who had gathered wept, with some sobbing uncontrollably. As the coffin containing the mortal remains of Veloo was lowered into the grave, all hearts sank. It was a very moving moment for all. It was a rare kind of Bahá’í funeral, as never witnessed before in this part of the country.

Home of Veloo, flooded with wreaths.


How Veloo was able to devote his time and energy equally between the family, the Faith and community services remains something to wonder at. Veloo was seen as a great motivator and guide for the younger generations and inspired many young ones to come up in life. At all gatherings, he found time to meet every one of them to exchange greetings, enquire about their welfare and give medical advice, if needed. He led a thrifty life in such a way that he was an example to the rich and a consolation to the poor. Having been in the Cause since December 1964, and served on the national institution till 2016, he not only knew all the active believers in the country by name but had won the immense love and admiration of one and all. During his Bahá’í life, there is no Bahá’í community Veloo had not visited, and there is no believer or non-believer whose heart he had not touched. Everyone who crosses his path always has something lovely to narrate about him. He was equally known and loved by the wider world for the spotless life that he led. He was always inflexibly opposed to name, fame, and prominence. Manifestly, his heart was attached to Baháʼu’lláh, never to the kingdom of names! Those who had moved with Veloo would agree that he loathed pride and vainglory.

Taking cognizance of the vast popularity of Veloo from the grassroots level right to the upper brackets the powers that offered him high level positions in the political realms, with good perks thrown in. But he politely and respectfully declined on grounds of the Bahá’í teachings of non-involvement in politics.

It would be appropriate to quote what Dr. Kanwal Singh, Veloo’s longtime colleague from the Muar days mentioned of him to the author, “The word ‘No’ was not in his dictionary. He would never decline any help sought by anyone. That he was at ease with the Sultans of Johor state or the Kings of Malaysia as he was with his driver is something Veloo alone could do. Veloo had done more than what a few individuals could have achieved in their lifetime. With Veloo as my friend I found it not necessary to learn about the Bahá’í Faith from books. I developed a lot of respect for the Bahá’í Faith not by reading from the books, but by the life that Veloo lived and the example he had set.”

Veloo has come a long way in the Faith, creating impactful services and leaving behind admirable traces and legacies, quite unparalleled in many ways. In looking back at the life of Veloo, it is evident and firmly established that he was a precious gift bestowed upon the community for some rare areas of service which he had carried out. His precious soul that has winged its flight to be with his Creator, is sure to be richly rewarded with divine benedictions for having faithfully, sincerely, tirelessly, and steadfastly served the Cause. We bid farewell to one who shall forever live in the innermost corners of our hearts, and certainly occupy a special and permanent place in the pages of our history.


A. Manisegaran

29 February 2024

You may leave your comments at




  1. Thank you Mr. Manisegaran for bringing out so many details of Dr. Veloo’s life. Your story is a tribute and an honour to him as a true servant of Bahá’u’lláh. The story is also enlightening for us on how we should live our lives as followers of Bahá’u’lláh. Dr Veloo’s humble lifestyle, his deeds as a Baha’i and his humanitarian services through his medical profession are most praiseworthy. Also, his contribution towards the Baha’i administration especially his role in the National Spiritual Assembly is very inspiring to read.

    Thank you so much.
    Nehru Arunasalam

  2. Dear Mani,
    The story about Dr. Veloo that you wrote is one about an upright, able and dedicated Baha’i, who was humility itself. The account of his final rights was really moving. Truly heaven has opened its arms to Dr. Veloo.

    I am thrilled that such an active group was part of the University Malaya Baha’i Society – Kung Joo Jong, Lum Weng Chew, Kanthakumar, Ganasa Murthi! They must have started their friendship at university days. They are all good friends of ours.
    How do you manage to collect records so quickly?

    Thank you Mani for writing this.

    Usha Cheryan

  3. Dear Mani,
    Read your most comprehensive story covering so many details of Dato Dr. Veloo, with lovely photographs.

    I am saddened by his unexpected passing. However we know he is in a better place now. It was a blessing to have know him during my time working at the Center as Bookshop Manager where I had the chance to meet so many wonderful Bahais. Dr Veloo was someone special, as your story itself testifies.

    My condolences to his wife and family.

    Yaw Kam Sim
    New Mexico

  4. Dear Mani
    This story on Dr. Veloo and the several other
    recollections are about extraordinary believers, and the prose is top notch. I highly recommend these so well researched stories. The most important reason to read these is that they are full of examples of how to teach the Faith.

    John Haukness
    North Dakota

  5. Hi Mani,

    You have inspired me with this story about Dr. Veloo. What a good way to start the first day of the fast!
    What more can I say?

    Dianne Bluett Wellington-Miller

  6. Thank you Mani for the wonderful story of a great man, Dr. Veloo. Although Dr. Veloo and me stayed in the same rubber plantation settlement of Serkam many years back, my intimate association with him began in the 1980s when I served as a member of Local Spiritual Assembly of Muar and the National Consolidation Committee formed by the Spiritual Assembly of Malaysia look into the affairs of consolidation and deepening of the friends throughout the country.

    There were times I was privileged to chauffer him to the National Consolidation Committee meetings held in Malacca town. Among other members include the late Mr. Anthony Casimir Louis and Professor Dr. Anantha Krishnan who travelled all the way front Kuantan to attend the meetings held at the Malacca Baha’i Centre.

    Dr. Veloo always had praises for our achievements. His favourite word was ‘excellent, excellent’ even for our little achievements too.

    My last interaction with him was when he called me and I told him that I had decided to quit my post as a part time academic with the Open University Malaysia. He firmly said’ no, no’ don’t stop, dementia will set in if you stop. Such was the loving advice from a brotherly figure.
    Truly, he was a brotherly figure to many of us.

    May this wonderful soul who had served humanity till his last breath placed closer to Baha’u’llah in Abha Kingdom.

    Dr. Nathesan Sellappan

  7. Dear Mr. Manisegaran,

    I had the honour of interacting with Dato’ Dr. M. Singaraveloo only through Zoom sessions amidst the challenging times of Covid-19. Despite our virtual encounters, his demeanour struck me deeply. He radiated profound humility and tranquillity, yet his intellect shone brightly in our discussions.

    Dr. Singaraveloo advances to the eternal realms, leaving behind a profound legacy cherished by his beloved family, the Malaysian Bahá’í community, and beyond. Born in 1947 in Malacca, he embraced the Bahá’í Faith early in life and dedicated himself tirelessly to its principles. Despite humble beginnings, he rose to prominence as a respected figure, both in his professional career and his service to the Bahá’í community.

    Dr. Singaraveloo’s involvement in the Bahá’í Faith began in the 1960s, marked by his active participation in youth activities and organizational efforts. He played a pivotal role in establishing Bahá’í societies in universities and fostering inter-college collaborations. His dedication extended to national leadership roles, including membership in the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Malaysia, where he served for over four decades. His cherished wife served as his unwavering pillar of strength, providing invaluable support, especially during his estate teaching expeditions, notably within the Chinese settlements.

    In his medical career, Dr. Singaraveloo exemplified compassion and dedication, serving as a personal physician to royalty and advocating for the highest quality of healthcare for all. He made significant contributions to medical research and was deeply involved in charitable initiatives, particularly in establishing dialysis and palliative care centers.

    Dr. Singaraveloo’s utter humility, simplicity, and unwavering commitment to service to mankind earned him admirable and widespread admiration. His passing elicited an outpouring of tributes, reflecting the profound impact he had on countless lives. His legacy as a devoted Bahá’í, compassionate physician, and tireless humanitarian will endure, leaving an indelible mark on those who knew him. A life richly lived, filled with purpose and meaning! I am deeply moved by Dr. Singaraveloo’s unwavering dedication, which embodies the profound belief that work is worship, and service is prayer. As eloquently stated by the Master, “Service to humanity is service to God.” His commitment to this ethos exemplifies the highest ideals of compassion and selflessness.

    It reminds me of a famous quote by the late Vaali, a renowned Indian poet and film song lyricist, “இருந்தாலும் மறைந்தாலும் பேர் சொல்ல வேண்டும் இவர் போல யார் என்று ஊர் சொல்ல வேண்டும்” (Regardless of whether an individual is alive or deceased, his name should always be remembered and spoken of, with people acknowledging that there has been no one quite like him.)

    I fervently pray to the Blessed Beauty that Dr. Singaraveloo’s luminous soul receives abundant rewards in the realms beyond.

    With loving Bahá’í greetings,

    Velayutham Gopal
    Phnom Penh

  8. Dear Mani,
    To start off, I must say I had to postpone reading this story a few times, all because tears flowed with every paragraph you have written. Needless to say, you have covered so much details about Dr. Veloo. This must have been the product of intensive and extensive research, which alone could bring out such quality write up.

    I was an intimate friend of Dr. Veloo. Many of the things you mentioned are known to me. Yet there are many more things of which I was not aware at all. It only shows that Dr. Veloo himself would have wanted a low profile and never blew his own trumpet. But that was the position he took. But you as the historian had done pure justice by unearthing many of the services of Dr. Veloo which was not known to me. I believe I am echoing the sentiments of all readers. Kudos to you Mani! You did it again.

    I spotted one sentence in your story which reads, “He was the most loving person, and yet when he spotted any sign of malice or mischief, he opposed it with every fibre of his being.” This is very true and I wish to cite an example.
    Dr. Veloo is known for his patience, compassion, care and kindness. When it comes to the defence of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh, he can be very direct. While in Muar town we befriended a Senior Estate Manager who was a member of the Rotary Club together with Dr. Veloo and I. In our presence he praised the teachings of the Faith and the Baha’is. But we came to know that among the estate workers he condemned the Faith and did not treat the Baha’is working in the estate fairly. This went on for a while until most of the Baha’is in the estate were felt victimized. Dr. Veloo asked me to investigate which I did by talking thoroughly to the Baha’is in the estate and gave the feedback to Dr. Veloo. The Rotary Club meets every week. At the next meeting, immediately after it was adjourned, Dr. Veloo, in a loud voice, called out this Manager’s name saying he wanted to see him and asked me to follow him as well. When the manager stepped outside the club house, Dr. Veloo, caught his shirt collar and angrily told him that he knows what was happening to the Baha’is in the estate and that he should stop harassing the Baha’is immediately and provide them equal opportunities like others. The Manager was stunned because he had not seen this side of Dr. Veloo. I was equally surprised as I too had not seen this side of Dr. Veloo transforming into a roaring lion when the Faith had to be defended.

    At first the estate manager denied but then when pressed with evidence, he apologized . A few days later, we received word that the estate manager had called the Baha’is and apologized and praised the Baha’is for their work and that if they had any problems they could see him directly and he will always have time. For me, this is the only time I have seen Dr. Veloo very upset but then I realized , if one loves the Faith of Baha’u’llah, this is an example of how we should defend the Cause.

    C. Kanagaratnam

  9. Dear Mani
    Thank you for presenting such an intriguing and enjoyable to read on the late Dr. Singaraveloo. After breaking the first day of the fast, it was just wonderful and appropriate for me to enjoy all the lines you have earnestly bought back, recollecting the fondest memories on Dr. Veloo.
    I simply love your accurate penning of such unique account of the prominent services rendered by our beloved Dr. Veloo. He has truly left a very illuminating trail of light. His was a very unparalleled services rendered amongst his contemporaries. He was truly a lighted candle to many unlit candles.

    “Be anxiously concerned with the needs of the age ye live in, and centre your deliberations on its exisgencies and requirements.” -Gleanings, CVI

    I believe that Dr. Veloo has always been living up to such an extent in various courses of his lives. He has exerted to his utmost for a Cause he has been so much in love with.

    Koh Kuang Wang
    Port Dickson
    Negeri Sembilan

  10. I had the bounty of meeting Dr. Singaravloo a few times in the seventies and even later. The last time we met was at the last National Convention in Subang-Jaya some years ago. It was such an exciting moment that we met, hugged and remembered the old times of we attending gatherings and dining together.

    He was and is without a doubt one of the veteran stars of the Faith who simply shines brilliantly in the history of the development of the Faith in Malaysia with his devoted service. He was younger than me by five years, but his enthusiasm and zeal for serving and rising above the human’s limitations was remarkable. I read a portion from the story which I wish to quote. In 1973 when he was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly through the by-election, he attended a meeting of the national institution with the Hand of the Cause of God Dr. Muhajir. Dr Muhajir was talking about how the Malaysian Baha’i community can help in pioneering teaching and consolidation in the other South East Asian countries. In that first meeting, Dr. Singaravaloo commented “it was too much”. But he rose above the human limitations relaying on the divine assistance and became the protagonist of change and set an exemplary role for his colleagues and others. This is the kind of spirit of the Faith and devotion to service that glowed brightly in his heart.

    May his radiant soul be blessed to soar in the highest realms of the Abha Kingdom.

    Dr. Firaydun Mithaq
    Chieng Mai

  11. It is never an easy task to articulate the greatness of someone who has left an indelible mark on the lives of so many, and what more when he has done it with poise, grace, love, service, respect, leadership and humility. These are the attributes of Dr. Veloo of whom many owe a debt of gratitude.

    I am one of those fortunate ones who have known Dr. Veloo from childhood and witnessed him serving and teaching the Faith with the way he led his life. That famous Baha’i quote “Let deeds not words be your adorning” was what Dr. Veloo personified in every true sense.

    As I read about the life of Dr. Veloo so remarkably captured by Mr. Manisegaran, the building blocks of his life seem so relatable. An accomplished physician so loved and respected from the downtrodden to the royal, elegantly paints an artistic life for us to not only marvel at but also understand how one can command such love and respect through a life, pivoted to the core of Baha’u’llah’s teachings.

    The crowd that gathered at the burial ground was reminiscent of our famous winter schools and as I read the eulogy on him written by Mr. Manisegaran, the immense weight from the permeating sadness of the friends gathered around this blessed soul became too much to bear, something I have never experienced as a seasoned and composed reader of eulogies. At the burial site, I saw an elderly Chinese woman requesting those of us who were around the spot to lower his casket that she wanted to be as close as possible to him, and the only other time I witnessed such loving gratitude was at the funeral of the famous and late lawyer Karpal Singh who had such an impact of the lives of the destitute.

    It is so humbling to see that behind this renowned physician was a life of humble beginnings, constant dedication to work, sacrifice, responsibility, immense discipline, a sense of urgency, and an ability to multitask to accomplish multiple goals- a real-life superhero. His immediate attention and response saved my father’s life, one of his common feats to say the least, and despite his busy life shouldering immense responsibility, he could find the time to conduct my wedding, another one of his magnanimous gestures. My most memorable time with Dr. Veloo was in the mid-1990s before I left for the United States to further my studies. I was lecturing in an Engineering College in Johor Bahru and I organized a blood donation campaign as part of a service program for students I had introduced to incorporate Baha’i service projects. The senior lecturers and some of the management staff scoffed at the initiative simply because in the past only 5 people had turned up, but on the appointed day, Dr. Veloo turned up with an army of medical staff, 2 ambulances, and the support of the Baha’is of Johor Bahru who showed up on a working day to donate blood. Over 500 people showed up and with one phone call, an extra ambulance showed up because there was just too much blood to store and the victorious day ended with the last 2 donors which were me and Dr. Veloo himself lying down side by side and it was captured in the Star Newspaper which the college so proudly displayed on their walls as a huge achievement!

    Dr. Veloo could wield the power of his profession to conform to the Will of Baha’u’llah and he did it with such grace without a trace of lethargy. Such profuse service can only be possible because it was fueled by a deep love for Baha’ullah, how else can a soul serve for 43 years as a member of the National Spiritual Assembly in tandem with a multitude of other responsibilities including raising 5 children?

    A week after his passing, he appeared in my dream, and the most significant part of this vivid dream was as he was lying there unconscious, an entourage of angels entered the room and the frontmost angel leaned in and kissed his forehead and immediately Dr. Veloo woke up with a glow on his face. With a smile he leaned over to me and whispered, I was not ready to leave but now I am. Needless to say, this earth angel carried out his duties valiantly and the concourse on high sent a delegation for his services in the other realms of God.

    God bless you, my dear Dr. Veloo and may your life continue to inspire us forevermore.

    Naren Narasiah
    Kuala Lumpur

  12. Dear Mr Manisegaran,
    Thank you for writing and preserving for posterity the services of the late Dato’ Dr.M. Singaraveloo. He is my uncle and guardian. He was a father figure to me. I simply cannot believe he is no more with us.

    He was a family man with full of responsibilities as a husband, father and grandfather. He really took care of his siblings and their welfare throughout his life. He was a pillar of strength during my own times of difficulties. What I am today is because of my uncle Dr. Veloo.

    Rajamma Marappan

  13. Dear Mani
    That was a well-written article within a short space of time. I would say there is so much more to write about his unwavering commitment and hard work serving the Cause and healing the sick and the injured. He was a great teacher, and worker for the Cause of God. He was a pure soul, loving and disciplined, and an exemplary servant of God. My close association with him was during pharmacy housemanship years in Johor Bahru in 1975 and 1976. We worked nonstop teaching and serving the Cause. I feel very honored to work with him for the Cause. He will be always in my mind and heart as he was a true example of a real good human being. A real great loss to the people and the Baha’i community. I hope Baha’is will read and draw inspiration to serve the Cause.

    Good job Mani!

    Professor Dr. Ananthan Krishnan

  14. Dear Mani
    Many thanks for another excellent article to remember, this time on our beloved Dato’ Dr. Veloo. I have always considered him as among the giant promoters of the Faith in Malaysia. Dr. Veloo really lived the life to serve the Cause with great distinction aptly professing the spirit of “Work is worship; and Service is prayer.”
    Event though the soul of Dr. Veloo has taken flight to the Abha Kingdom, he will be greatly missed but always remembered by all who crossed his path.
    May Bahá’u’lláh confer abundance of reward on this lovely soul in the next realm.

    Dr.Leong Yow Peng
    Subang Jaya

  15. Dear Manisegaran,
    I had a such a good feeling reading the story the story that you wrote about the late Dr. Singaraveloo. The story conveys in full the essence of Dr. Veloo. You have covered so much with so many details. Allow me to share some of my own associations with him.

    My husband Kanagaratnam and I were fortunate to have been in the same community with him in Muar for 8 years, that is from 1980 to 1988. His spacious government bungalow was just a walking distance from my residence. We served on the same Local Spiritual Assembly of Muar. But our relationship continued till the end of his days.

    As a physician he was wholly and fully committed to the care of the patients. He will attend to calls from everyone from all over the country, surprisingly round the clock. I remember calling him from here in the USA regarding the deteriorating health of my mother in law in Johor Bahru and he immediately got her checked up on the following morning. Not only that he even arranged an ambulance for her to be sent from Johor Bahru to a distantly placed town called Gemenche in another state, to stay with her another daughter. Whenever he saw someone not well, or when he received calls the first thing he always did was to get them admitted into the hospital and conduct a thorough examination and follow up months later on phone calls to find out how he or she was doing. He would suddenly appear in the hospital in the late hours of the night, out of his working hours to conduct a round of inspection. Dr. Veloo, his wife Ng Kan Hoe and I attended a Rotary Club function in Muar. After the function was over close to midnight, he drove us straight to the Muar hospital and asked Kan Hoe and me to wait in the car. He went for his hospital rounds and came back after some time. We learnt that he was not on duty at that time, but that was what Dr. Veloo was- caring for his patients!

    I am yet to see a highly placed physician who was so much down to earth. He was often at my residence and conversed with my mother in English, and my mother in law in the Tamil language. And they accepted the Faith, not only because of the Bahai teachings, but because of the humility of which he was an embodiment. His heart was larger than life. Dr. Veloo and his wife even wanted to adopt an abandoned child in the hospital, but by the time they made the move, someone else had adopted that child.

    He was very much respected as a physician who was committed to the profession and the patients. He taught the Faith by living a true Baha’i life to his best. Everybody who knew him knew him as a Baha’i. The image of the Faith went very high through the example he had set as a Baha’i.

    Thank you Mani. I pray to God to grant you a very long years of health life so that you could use your penmanship to continue writing praises of those believers who have shown the way!

    Mona Kanagaratnam

  16. Dear Mr. Manisegaran,

    Thank you for this wonderful story. I have read it in full and gained much encouragement from the story. It is good to have started the first day of this holy month of fasting reading this story. The late Dato’ Dr. Veloo has indeed served the Cause to his best, and has set an example for the younger generation to emulate.

    Thank you for writing and sharing this story on Dr. Veloo.

    Nurvin Ratha
    Kuala Lumpur

  17. Dear Mani,
    Thank you for writing a beautiful story on my dearest friend, the late Dato Dr. Singaraveloo
    I started serving together with Dr. Veloo, I from 1974 to 1984.

    Dr. Veloo was a very dedicated servant of Baha’u’llah, he was knowledgeable on the Faith, and was mild- minded in making decisions. He always weighed all angles of any issue and came out with level-headed conclusions. Dr. Veloo was well respected among the Baha’Community of Malaysia and Singapore.

    We all knew that Dr. Veloo was very close to the royal families in Johor as the personal physician for them. I was fully aware that the royal families knew the teachings of the Bahai Faith well through Dr. Veloo. At ln any royal function the sultan who is the current king (Agong) used to introduce Dr. Veloo to the audience as “Baha’i Imam” suggesting he was such a pious believer
    As you have written, Dr Veloo has made us all proud.

    Thank you again.

    Ragai Lang

  18. Thank you so much Mr. Mani for sharing the story of Dr. Veloo.

    It was truly very inspiring and highly informative as well. The most interesting were the pictures. When the story is read together with those pictures, I was able to imagine the whole episodes in the life of Dr. Veloo happening right in front of my eyes. Dr. Veloo’s unconditional love of Baha’u’allah flows throughout his story. The Malaysian Bahai community is fortunate to have had such a rare kind of believer who has enriched the image of the Faith. Such God-intoxicated servants are needed all over the world for the wider world to know the transformation that Baha’u’allah is able to bring about in those who accept Him.

    A good read for the very beginning of the Bahai fasting month!

    Joy Edify
    Kumbi Cluster

  19. I used to observe Dr. Veloo, addressing the gatherings as the chairman of National Spiritual Assembly of Malaysia In 2013 the National Spiritual Assembly of Malaysia appointed me to be in-charge in the organization of the world youth conference, which was a gigantic initiative. I had a first-hand experience observing the appointed and elected arms working together. I was amazed with the spirit of this cooperation between those two arms and for me it was a first time experience. The national institution of Malaysia and the Counsellors encouraged, motivated, guided, supported me. I was liaising more with the national institution. The members of the national institution were with me in heart and soul from day one.

    I always remember Dr. Veloo in two instances. Firstly, when both the arms met, I witnessed his acumen in chairing the meeting, and he always ensured that I was comfortable, and my views were heard. Secondly, he used to call me to enquire and encourage. I had observed the principles of Baha’i administration in action through him.

    On a personal note, a relation of mine who had a serious accident in Singapore and was in coma, was admitted in the KPJ hospital where he worked. As I needed to give some advice to the mother, I called Dr. Veloo for medical advice. When I called the mother the next day, she told me Dr. Veloo had already visited her in the ward, looked at the patient and advised her on what to do next. He also visited them after that to follow up. Dr. Veloo did not know them before. It is the teachings of the Faith, combined with his deep passion for the medical profession and genuine concern for the patients that must have made what Dr. Veloo what he was. Such dedicated doctors are truly rare to find. Well, I had not seen one like him before. I always cherish my acquaintance with Dr. Veloo.

    Kavidas Narayanan
    Subang Jaya

  20. Thank you Mani for writing about Dr. Veloo and his services in the medical profession and the Bahai community as well.
    I was deeply grieved of the passing of Dr. Veloo. It is difficult for me to eulogise of a person who was not only a friend, a colleague in the profession, and a very dedicated co- worker in the Cause of God. He was the epitome of dedication and sacrifice. A tower of strength and inspiration to the Bahai Community of Malaysia. Working in various capacities and at the helm of National Institutions for many decades are associated with the golden memories of his active life. He has left his footprints in the history of the Faith in Malaysia. We shall miss him very much. Praying for the progress of his sterling soul throughout divine worlds.

    Dr. Gopinath
    Subang Jaya

  21. I first met Dr. Veloo in 1967 in Petaling Jaya.He had started his studies at the University of Malaya medical faculty.We met at the home of Leong Ho Chiew, which was used as the Baha’i Centre for the Petaling Jaya community.

    He was young but his mind and heart were clear in terms of his devotion and attachment to Baha’u’llah and the Baha’i Faith.He regularly attended all the celebrations, Feasts and Holy Days at the Petaling Jaya Baha’i Centre. Once in the midst of his examinations, there was a Nineteen Day Feast, yet Veloo attended the Feast.Such an example for the youths and community at large.
    From time to time, we met.A few months ago, I met his daughters and family at the Sydney House of Worship. In this exciting moment, we called Dr.Veloo in Johor Bahru and spoke like long lost brothers. He was very refreshing and humble. His voice still sends all the vibrations in my soul.

    N.S.S. Silan

  22. Dear brother Mani,
    Thank you for writing about Dr. M. Singaraveloo. He is truly a noble soul. I remember when my late wife Cecilia was diagnosed with an advanced liver problem, she returned to Malaysia from Zhuhai, China for further medical treatment. Our dear brother, Mr. Ganasa Murthi contacted Dr. Veloo at once and told him about Cecilia’s illness. Dr. Veloo contacted Dr. Tan, the Head of the Hepatology Department in the Selayang Hospital and asked us to go and see her. Dr. Tan was expecting us and Cecilia was admitted into the hospital at once. I could never forget his help even though one of his brothers had just passed away around that time and he was quite busy.

    The article was very well written. May it inspire many young souls to arise and emulate Dr. Veloo’s dedication and devotion to the Cause of God till the end of his earthly life.

    Santhanasamy Kulandai
    Kuala Terengganu

  23. I always address Dr. Veloo as “uncle”. He was very close to my parents and all family members as well. I was pretty little to know him as much as some elders may do. The first thing I remember about Dr. Veloo is his smile and his lovely pearly set of white teeth. Even at that little age I recollect clearly how he never failed to acknowledge everyone in the room with utmost respect. His humility, dedication, love for both work and his spiritual obligation clearly reflected in Dr. Veloo’s actions. He always entered gatherings with a smile and left with a smile. Every time I greeted him I remember Dr. Veloo always bent down to the level of my own height to greet me. I am much shorter than him. That was symbolic of how he used to adapt himself to anyone who crossed his path. He was such a humble person I had known.

    Another thing I remember is his pager that goes off at odd times and he will kindly excuse himself to rush to his patients with a smile.

    I would also like to acknowledge Uncle Manisegaran for writing and capturing many beautiful stories, works and services of Dr. Veloo. It is so well written quoting the sources. The information in the story is so well laid out. I cried towards the end reading the wealth of what Dr. Veloo had contributed to his family, society and the Bahai Faith. Dr. Veloo has shown how one has to live the life and leave behind a rich legacy.

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful story of such a wonderful soul. His legacy is well- remembered, cherished and celebrated.

    Presna Narasiah
    Kuala Lumpur

  24. We became acquainted when as a youth I visited him when he was in a student hostel in the medical college in Petaling Jaya. Although we both served on the Local Spiritual Assembly of Petaling Jaya, and later the National Spiritual Assembly for a number of years, we never really had the opportunity to know each other socially. He was busy studying, and I was struggling to work at the national press.

    From those few interactions I had with him I came to respect Dr. Veloo as he was among others able to juggle work studies with his Baha’i obligations. He was a shining example to all, coming from a poor rubber estate background to be chairman of the National Spiritual Assembly which at that time was responsible for both East and West Malaysia with other 300 Local Spiritual Assemblies. We were in a national meeting when my daughter Thing Chieh was born. Both Veloo and I rushed down to the hospital to see her and my wife Doreen.

    So although over the years we grew in our separate professional lives, the love as co-workers and fellow believers never left us. I moved to Singapore in 1984 while he was working in Johor Bahru. His busy schedule kept him away and except for a few occasions when he was able to visit Singapore including attending an inter-religious function and my eldest daughter’s marriage, we rarely had the privilege of seeing him or his wife.

    Even summer or winter schools meant taking the family on “vacation” although a large part of the time for Veloo and me was spent attending our assembly meetings. It makes me really wonder how our children were able to remain so close to us despite the lack of family time. For Veloo especially, he carried the responsibilities of both work – not only as a hospital doctor plus being the Physician of the Royal Families- and family -raising not only his aunty’s and own children while caring for both their two ailing mothers. Both he and his fie Kan Hoe are such filial children. We all have the greatest respect for them.

    I asked myself why good people like Dr. Veloo suffer so much after I learnt that he had a stroke and went into a coma. One could understand if he had been a smoker or drinker, but his life was clean as a whistle. God sometimes tests those whom He loves most. This is one of the mysteries.

    As the Hidden words mention: “ … My calamity is My providence, outwardly it is fire and vengeance, but inwardly it is light and mercy. Hasten thereunto that thou mayest become an eternal light and an immortal spirit. “

    A few words from my daughter Thing Chieh:
    “I am very fortunate to know such a wonderful and outstanding person like uncle Dr. Veloo. He was present at two significant events in my life. Besides my father he was the first to ‘greet’ me when I came into this world as a baby. They both rushed from their National Spiritual Assembly meeting to the hospital. Twenty two years later, uncle Veloo was present at my wedding as an official marriage witness. The last time I heard uncle Veloo’s voice was at Uncle Ganesan’s passing sharing a eulogy. He will assuredly be missed by all who crossed his path. In my humble opinion, Veloo is a “a shining light in the firmament” of our generation and “a fruit upon the tree of humility”.

    Yin Hong Shuen

  25. Dear Mr. Mani,
    It is really heart-warming to read the heroic strives, endeavors, deeds, and activities of another renown stalwart of Malaysia. Obviously, Dr. Veloo was a legendary figure for us here. Many of us have high respect and admiration for him whether for his services in the Faith or on reflecting his working career. He had the ability to manage both which is a tedious and tiring job.I felt very emotional reading this very touching story of Dr. Veloo.

    After going through the stories of his different and multifarious activity, it clearly shows that how much sacrifices and work he has done for the Faith. He was always a man serving in administrative capacity. His 43 years of service was much dedicated to the elected side.

    His youthful episodes are so inspiring and energetic and therefore is a Role Model for the youths and younger generation to emulate.

    The first I met Dr. Veloo was in my birth place of Jerampadang Estate, near Bahau town in 1968. He was a young enkindled soul, a member of the National Bahai Youth Committee came to Bahau by motor bike with another veteran Mr. Ganesa Murthi. We were attending children class conducted by another enlightened soul Mr. Kanagaratnam who now in Arizona US. Later on, in 1973 winter school in Port Dickson and subsequently in 1974 winter school have met him and got to know him more.

    There was also another occasion where he had attended our Youth Camp in 1975 , held in the Tamil School. He and a friend spend that night in one of the rooms of the school. The then Secretary of the National Bahai Youth Committee Mr. Balasekaran was also there. Their mere movements were the igniting and inspiring factor for us.

    I had seen Dr. Veloo chairing or conducting the session of the National Assembly in some occasions. Once in 1985 I was called to see the National Assembly to discuss my future pioneering plans in Odisha, India. When I return back for good in 1993 my wife’s permanent visa was for due approval. After three month her extension was not granted. Mr. Manisegaran whose office was adjacent advise me to take a bus and enter Singapore. She was not allowed to enter as Indian Nationals need Visa. When contacted Dr.Veloo, he told me to stay in Johor Centre. And he had asked Mr. Lee Kam Weng to help me drive to Singapore and apply the Visa there. We got the approval but already 4 days lapsed due to overstaying. Here Dr. Veloo was instrumental in speaking to the Immigration officer Mr. Karam Singh and that’s how we enter Singapore. I will ever remain grateful and remember him for solving our burdening issue.

    The last I met Dr. Veloo was on 27 May 2023 in a wedding ceremony of Mr. Keshun, a Bahai youth belonging to our cluster held in Subang Jaya. During the reception when we met each other he embraced me tightly saying to the friends there “This is our hero.” On hearing that I got emotional.

    Today his soul must be with the companion of Host on High in realms of God.

    Once again thanks Mr. Mani for the beautiful and heart-warming episode of Dato’ Dr. Singaraveloo.

    Pitamboro Naiko
    Puncak Alam
    Kuala Selangor

  26. Dear Mr. Manisegaran,

    I read in full the entire story of Dr. M. Singaraveloo who served the Cause of Baha’u’llah in Malaysia in several capacities, registering his long years of service on the National Spiritual Assembly of Malaysia. Dr. Veloo was one of the greatest instruments in the Hands of Baha’u’llah and there could be no doubt given the strides he had made for the Cause. That he has played a vital role in bringing the Faith to those highest authorities of the land, and used his medical profession to serve mankind passionately are most touching, among the many other areas that have penetrated my heart.

    Inspired by this story, my own feeling is that each believer of Baha’u’llah must read and study this story of Dr. Veloo to get inspiration from his devoted and sincere services for Baha’u’llah.

    Thank you so much once again for bringing out this greatest story and published in the popular Baha’i Recollections Historical Blog.

    Thank you again.

    Jaya Raju Thota
    Greater Visakhapatnam
    Andhra Pradesh

  27. Dear Mr. Manisegaran,
    Thank you for writing about Dato’ Dr. M. Singaraveloo who certainly deserves special mention in our history, for a man who served quietly. I have to say It was really a heart- warming and soul- steering write up on this valiant soul Dato’ Dr. Veloo. The story describes Dr. Veloo as he was. I vividly remember an episode when I was working at Pasir Gudang, about 25 kilometers from Johor Bahru in the years of 1974 and 1975.

    The years I stayed there was one of my glorious days spent with Dr. Veloo and the family of Mr. Alan Tan. My very close friends were Dr. Nathesan of Muar who was then studying at the Teacher’s Training College, and staying at the Baha’i Centre in Vijaya Gardens. The late Mr. G. Maniam was working in a factory in Tampoi town while I was working at Pasir Gudang in a Japanese company. The three of us used to gather at the Baha’i Centre most of the weekends for Bahai activities. When fee enough we used to go to Singapore for shopping and watching the latest movies.

    At this period of time Dr. Veloo was renting a room just opposite the Baha’i Centre. He could view the Baha’i Centre clearly from his room and he kept an eye on those who are coming late night to the centre. He kept awake past midnight studying Baha’i and medical books.
    After observing us for a couple of weeks returning to the Centre after midnight, one day he walked over to the center and inquired of our whereabout during the weekends. Immediately he took out a calendar and we planned together to undertake visits every Saturday to the Assemblies in Kota Tinggi, Pontian, Skudai and Kulai. We had no choice but to follow him for the deepening classes in those areas. In the course of attending those deepening classes we too got deepened as well.
    In those two years of my stay in Johor Bahru, I learned humility, determination and perseverance from the late Dato’ Veloo. I shall always remember him in my prayers.

    Mari Yariah

  28. Dear Uncle Mani,
    Thank you for this wonderful write-up on my father. He fell ill on 26 June 2023 and was bedridden until his passing on 27 January 2024. Many of the events mentioned in your story are new to me as well. I believe there are so many more things about father that will take a long time to speak on. He is still an exemplary person to me and a source of inspiration. During my early years, he made sure we attended the children’s classes, youth classes, and deepening classes and volunteered in various Baha’i activities. A ‘No’ was never in his dictionary. Among my siblings, I am probably the one who followed him the most for deepening classes, firesides, dawn prayers, Baha’i events, medical camps and many more. And as always, on the way home, I will be ‘grilled’ about what was discussed in the Deepening Class, particularly the 9-Star Study programme.

    I had the privilege to accompany him to some of the meetings of the National Spiritual Assembly, driving up from Muar or Johor Bahru and to his resident visits to some general hospitals in Johor or to his medical camps and so on. And not forgetting many of the night trips to hospitals, the palace, homes of politicians accompanying him. Sometimes I was waiting for a long time, and father would smilingly say “Opps. I forgot you are here”. So intoxicated was he with his service. One will be astonished by his energy level, passion and dedication in whatever he does. Sometimes, I wondered why he kept growing his ‘extra-curricular activities’ despite his already tight schedule and wondered where he found his time and energy. Never would a patient, be it in a general hospital or private hospital have their doctors checking on them in the morning, afternoon and night – 7 days a week. I doubt many doctors have that level of dedication to their profession. He just had time for everyone.

    He took care of Dr. Jesudasan who was his boss at the general hospital until he passed away. There was no compulsion to look after someone who was no longer in position and power, but father took it upon him as though he was his son and cared for Dr. Jesudasan, Dorothy Anderson and many others till they passed on. Sending medicines to retired doctors and ensuring those who were less fortunate to secure low-cost homes, welfare aids, jobs and many more were among his good deeds. I was privileged to be his runner and errant boy in serving others. I have easily heard numerous times how he had helped heart patients get their procedures done at the General Hospitals for a mere RM 500 and avoid spending tens of thousands at private hospitals. While having a family dinner at a Chinese restaurant, a former senior minister who was at another table walked out to ours seeing father. He put his hands on his shoulder and mentioned to all, “This man saved my life. I owe him my life”.

    The story mentions that father did not use the privileges and connections he had for himself or the family but used them for the benefit of others. It is true, as we family members witnessed it first-hand.

    I used to recall times when I would ask him for a game of chess in which he won hands down despite not focusing on the game while he was 100% answering numerous calls. All of us took turns to be a telephone operator at home answering numerous calls and running to him with the phone. It was either this uncle, that aunty, doctors, the hospital, the Sultan’s palace, Baha’is, Rotarians, patients, Non- Government Organisations, co-workers, politicians, government servants and so forth. The calls were extremely frequent so much so that we could just guess who was calling without asking who they were. He made time for everyone irrespective of who they were. Many may have heard it, but we witnessed it. Father will somehow find time. Baha’is were always welcomed to the house including putting up nights for either work or Baha’i activities. Father was a man who was always on the run-all the time. He had the ‘special skills’ to move from one activity to another within seconds. His next ‘best friend’ was probably his trusted cars including his Volvo which has served him faithfully in his path or service.

    As many know, he was very close and adored by the Royal family of Johor state for his dedication and selfless service even after he retired from government service. My mother used to say that the former Sultan would always want him to accompany his Highness for dinners. Father had earned the trust of the many people who walked into his path and sought his care and support. He had the Midas touch. Anyone who got into an ‘encounter’ with father, would see hope, faith and love in him. He was a man who saw no evil, heard no evil, and spoke no evil. This was evident when he advised those around him to ignore the shortcomings of others and look at the positive side of things and help them in any way they could. I have seen him giving brotherly advice to many. Almost an impeccable man who was almost impossible to be mirrored.

    I will be forever grateful for what he has done for my sister Banu and me despite the adversity and challenges he faced which was not something anyone would have done but would have given up easily. So noble a man father was, that he shall always be remembered till the end of things.

    Our family kept an extremely close watch on his progress since he was taken ill until his last breath and made hundreds of trips to the hospital during this period, particularly by mother, and my sisters Banu, Nadia and Lydia and my brother Rueben who spent months being at his bedside. I am extremely sad that he did not get to see Nadia and Lydia’s child, his grandchild, which I believe would have been one of the happiest moments of his life.

    Rest well father! We shall miss you forever and don’t worry about things. We hope you are now with some of your very close and best friends and brothers in the Abha kingdom.

    Arulkumar Singaraveloo
    Subang Jaya

  29. Dearest Mani uncle,
    It is so praiseworthy of you to write about such a distinguished soul whom most of us didn’t know about. However you have made it possible to make his service-oriented life known and I am sure his life has inspired me and will continue to inspire others to serve the cause with utmost zeal and compassion to the Faith. May his divine soul rest in peace. Thank you Mani uncle for sharing his story with us

    Lots of love from our family,
    yours lovingly,

  30. Some years back around the early 2000s I was working and residing in Johor Bahru. Along this period, I had some bronchial issues which later developed into a life threatening Pneumonia.

    Beloved Dr. Veloo asked me to get myself admitted at the Johor Specialist Centre. At this time Dr. Veloo was attached to the Sultanah Aminah Hospital in Johor Bahru. With his referral I was admitted to the Johor Specialist Centre and was attended to by Dr. Veloo’s friend.

    While I was admitted there, I had requested Dr. Veloo not to inform my parents about my hospitalisation. He was not unhappy about it and told me that my parents should know that I am admitted. But I convinced him not to call them. Despite his busy schedule, day and night he will call his doctor friend who was treating me at the Johor Specialist Centre and update himself on my conditions and improvements. Whenever he was free he dropped in a few minutes to check on me. The day before I was discharged he called my dad and told him about my hospitalisation and asked him to come and take me home.

    I owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Veloo for ensuring I recovered well from a life-threatening situation. And the best part was that he kept it so discreet at my request, even from my parents. And I also become a burden to him as he had to constantly check on me through his doctor friend who was treating me.

    Apart from this personal experience, Dr. Veloo was found to be a very humble human being. He never failed to greet everyone in any Bahai gatherings. He made sure he spoke or at least give a handshake to as many people as he could.
    My last meeting with Dr. Veloo was at the wedding of a friend’s son. I was representing the Local Spiritual Assembly of Subang Jaya for the wedding. As I finished the signing process for the wedding with the couple and their witnesses, I was walking to my table. Dr. Veloo stood up from his table and walked to greet me. He said “Vijay , how are you?” and gave his firm handshake. After exchanging a few pleasantries, I walked to my table and told my wife, how I felt very bad that Dr. Veloo stood up from his table and walked towards me and greeted me. I thought as a matter of deep respect for a man who saved my life, it should have been I who should be walking towards him and greeting him. That was the kind of man Dr. Veloo was.

    The sacrifices and the service he rendered to our beloved Cause, cannot be described in mere words. It will not cause justice to relate all those services in a few simple sentences.

    To me is a personal experience that I want to share. Till my last breath, I will cherish my association with Dr. Veloo and keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

    Vijay Saravanan
    Subang Jaya

  31. My dear friend Singaraveloo dedicated his life to service towards all alike both rich and poor, both the high and the low. He extended the same care to all who came to him for help.

    Shah Alam

  32. Dear Mani
    Thank you for penning the legacy of Dr. Singaraveloo. Dr. Veloo as we always addressed him visited Australia in 1982 to attend a Bahai International conference in Canberra. I found him so humble, good natured and self-effacing. Despite his tight schedule and itinerary, he took time to enquire about my well being and plans. He also inspired me on the greatness of the Faith.

    Daven Dhrmalingam

  33. I first knew and met Dr. M Singaraveloo, later known as Dato’ Dr. Singaraveloo way back in 1968 when he contacted me about the University of Malaya Baha’i Society. Because of the fewness in number of Baha’i students, I was an automatic member of the Baha’i Society even though I was not involved at all with Baha’i activities in Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur. He contacted me frequently regarding the Baha’i Society activities and I duly responded to help him in some of the society activities, like distributing Shiraz, the magazine of the society, putting up notices of Baha’i talks in campus, getting talks organised and publicized, organising forums and writing articles and presenting them. I was paying more attention to my studies and the only Baha’i activity then was with the University Malaya Baha’i Society, thanks very much to the driving and consistent force of Veloo who was constantly on my back. He was the backbone of the University Malaya Baha’i Society, a leader trying to show members the way to keep the society alive. Later the Inter-College Baha’i Societies Committee (ICBSC) was formed by the National Spiritual Assembly with Veloo helming it. It was a big job and Veloo worked hard and tried his level best for establishing societies or Baha’i clubs Singapore University and the Penang Teaching Training College. Yes, I think 1968 to 1970 were the best years for both the University Malaya Baha’i Society and the ICBSC, thanks to Veloo’s determined efforts to gather the members and his perseverance in getting them involved. He travelled across the country by the cheapest way to meet the friends. I remember I took him on my motorcycle and rode from Kuala Lumpur to Ipoh to attend a meeting, quite likely about forming a Baha’i society at the Ipoh Polytechnic.

    My other association with him were the years on the National Spiritual Assembly, of which for the most part, he was the chairman. He was serious and diligent on conducting the meetings. Before any meeting he would do his research and never fail to consult with individual members on the subject matters on the agenda. He was thorough and always asked for views and opinions before making the decision. All these were done despite his busy professional career. He was indeed quite a fellow.

    Rest in peace my dear friend and colleague. You are missed on this earth. You certainly have better things to do in the Realm Above. March on my friend.

    Lum Weng Chew

  34. Dato’ Veloo, affectionately called by those who knew him well, was not just a colleague on the National Assembly of Malaysia. He was a close, trusted friend, and a confidant. His friendly personality and easily-approachable demeanor attracted many people to him. Even though he has an official title conferred by royalty, no one was ever intimidated by it; on the contrary, his title simply showed that he deserved such high respect and trust from those who knew him. His friends, (from my conversations with them), felt that he deserved more than a title for his life-long dedicated service to the Johore Royal Family. His friends used to joke “when the Sultan sneezes you’d find Dr Veloo checking on him!” – that’s the kind of dedication and devotion he had for the for royal family. He loved them as much as they loved him.

    At the forefront of the Faith, Dr. Veloo was the humble, silent soldier. Though he served for more than four decades as Chairman of the National Assembly, he never abused his position or status, and always showed humility and consistency in all his dealings and encounters with any Baha’i friend, whether he knew them personally or not. He was a friend first, then a member of the institution. Baha’is could approach him easily and without hesitation; he would make time for them. I remembered those occasions when he was at the Assembly meeting and he heard about a death or a sick Baha’i, some miles away, he would go to the wake or visit the bereaved family immediately after the Assembly meeting. He would not hesitate and gave excuses of being busy or too occupied to visit to offer words of comfort. Baha’is who have a health problem, never hesitated to consult him, knowing with deep conviction that they would not be turned away. I personally knew some of them who have had such experiences, and they spoke about him with such love and trust for him. I personally had consulted him and sought his assistance for my late father when he was hospitalized after a road accident. He immediately called the hospital and ensure that my father was transferred to a first-class ward and got the name of the specialist who was treating my father so we could get attention for my father. My family never forget what he did and forever would be grateful to him.

    There’s so much I can talk about his compassion, kindness and generosity, as well as his strict adherence to Baha’i teachings and laws, but I think anyone who knows him would have the same views and opinions about him, and there’s no need for me to elaborate more.
    Thank you for giving me the space to express my love and respect for Dr. Veloo, a very dear friend and co-worker. He will live forever in my memory and my only solace is we would meet again in the Abha Kingdom and rekindle that friendship that was temporarily interrupted on this plane.

    June Loh
    Sungei Buloh

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